
Masbooq Reciting Thanaa


When must a Masbooq recite Thana, shall he recite it when he is beginning his missed rakaats, or can he also recite it when he joins the jamaat and the imaam is in any other posture besides Qiyaam where there is qiraat? 


If a Masbooq joins the while the Imaam has commenced his Qiraat in loud (Jahri) Salaah, he should not read Thana.

Reciting Qur'an at the graveside


A musallee says that its not proven from any authentic hadith that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam recited Quran in the graveyard and if we do it, we must face Qibla and not face the qabr. Please reply with hadith if possible or some explanation that proves its permissible to recite Quran in the graveyard and we can face the qabr.
This person wont be satisfied with a simple answer so please give a detailed reply 

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