
Woman unsure when her Haidh has ended


A woman during haidh on the last day zohr time she sees that she is still getting her haidth, after asr time sets in she checks it's clear. Does she regard herself clean from asr time and read asr or read zohr also because she never check at the end of zohr time? 


In the enquired case, she will be deemed to be clean and pure from the Asr time.i

Menses cycle


A woman has her habitual monthly cycle from the 16th of the
month to the 20th. 

In June she bled from the 16th to the 20th. 

In July the bleeding started on the 11th and has not stopped
up to now, the 15th of August. 

What (which days/dates) will be considered as her haidh
period for July and August?

Haidh occurring during Hajj, Tawaaf Ziyaarat


1. In the
event of breakthrough bleeding during the days of Hajj or Tawaaf Ziyaarah, what
do I do? I am taking a contraceptive pill to avoid my menstrual cycle but
there's no guarantee. What do I do about Tawaaf Ziyaarah as I leave 3 days
after Hajj back for home.

2. If a
Damm is due for a Fardh of Hajj like Tawaaf Ziyaarat then must it be done in
the same year in the city of Makkah?

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