About Darul Uloom Azaadville

Humble Beginnings

In 1392 A.H. (1972), a student desired to become an Alim in Germiston. His lessons started in a humble way - one student and a part time Ustâz (teacher). Little did we realize that this, however, was the seed for something much more in the future. Yearly students began enrolling for the Alim classes. Lessons carried on in an informal way with classes taking place at the rear end of the Jamât Khâna while the students lived in the mu'azzin's quarters. Alhamdulillah, in this humble way, four students graduated as Alims and about twenty as Hâfizul Qurân.

In 1401 (1981) many more applications came for the following year. In the Khânqah of Qutbul Aqtâb, Sheikhul Hadith, Hazrat Moulâna Muhammad Zakariya Rahimahullah in Stanger in the blessed month of Ramadân, this seed of learning was further nurtured by mashwarah. It now grew into a small plant and formally became established as the Madrasah Arabia Islamia, Darul Ulum of Azaadville.

In 1402 (1982), the Madrasah was situated in a double-story house in Azaadville with eight students doing the Alim course on a full time basis. Within a month, we were forced to open a Hifz class due to its demand. Within a year, three more Hifz classes were established with approximately forty students. The Alim students increased by 100% as well.

As the number of students and teachers increased year by year, circumstances forced us to apply for land to build a proper Madrasah which could serve our needs. When Allâh intends something and accepts it, He makes all the arrangements for it.

Alhamdulillah, the land was obtained and an annual ijtima was held on this plot after which the Madrasah was established at No. 1 Azaad Avenue. Now the Madrassah has a roll of more than 500 students in its 32nd year with 35 Ustâds. The building of the madrasah comprises a Musjid, Dârul Qurân for the Hifz classes, a Dârul Hadith, a Dârul Ifta, a printing press, twenty classrooms, a library, a kitchen, a dining hall, a laundry, bakery and gym and all related facilities for the students. May Allâh make the Madrasah grow from strength to strength and serve the vital role it is presently fulfilling, locally and abroad.


Departments within the Madrasah

Darul Iftâ

The Dârul Iftâ serves the Muslims locally and abroad. Fatwas and replies are issued to all queries received either telephonically, by fax, by post or by e-mail.

Publication Department

The Madrasah regularly publishes Deeni books which Alhamdulillah have enjoyed great acceptance and popularity. Thus far more than 350 titles have been published.

Posters & Pamphlets

The publication department regularly publishes posters for Masjid boards and handbills for the general public to educate them on various matters. These were found to be very beneficial and many requests, locally and from abroad are constantly received to reprint some of them. Ibn Mas'ûd Book Distribution Scheme

There is an increasing demand for literature from brothers overseas who cannot afford to purchase good Islamic books. The contributions of the public for this scheme enables the Madrasah to distribute free literature to deserving Muslim recipients.

An Nasihah

The Madrasah publishes a quarterly journal, An-Nasihah. This journal is posted to subscribers both local and abroad. Thus far about 130 issues have already been printed.

Dawah Department

Da’wah & Makâtib Division

With the help of Allâh I, the Darul Uloom initiated a Da’wah and Makâtib division eight years ago.

Da’wah Office

The Darul Uloom has established an Islamic Information Centre in Randfontein. This is an office where people can learn more about Islam and receive free Islamic literature. Alhamdulillah, literature is distributed from this office on an ongoing basis, people have come in to enquire about Islam and some people have accepted Islam there as well.


The Darul Uloom supervises eight (8) Makâtib. The number of learners in these Makâtib is approximately two hundred and fifty (250). Two supervisors and approximately seventeen (17) Mu’allims and Mu’allimahs are employed by the Makâtib Division.

Masâjid / Mussallahs

The Darul Uloom has erected Mussallâhs (Ibâdat Khânas) in Kagiso and Munsieville.

Lindela Repatriation Centre

The Darul Uloom sends an Imâm to perform Jumu’ah for the Muslim inmates of the Lindela Repatriation Centre. An Iftâri food programme also operates every Ramadân.

Poverty Alleviation & Welfare Projects

The Darul Uloom distributes bread twice a day to the poor from the Madrasah premises. Soup is distributed in winter. Similarly, bread, meat parcels and food is distributed on a regular basis in the indigenous areas. During winter, the Madrasah embarks on a blanket distribution programme in the indigent areas.

An Iftâri food programme also runs for Muslims in the indigenous areas during the month of Ramadân. Similarly, HIV out-patients at Leratong Hospital receive sandwiches on a weekly basis.

Bread Feeding Scheme

The Madrasah also provides bread twice daily to the underprivileged. During winter, soup is also distributed. Similarly bread is also distributed to other areas as well.

Self Reformation

This very important and fundamental department has been introduced by the blessings of our pious elders. This is the department that reforms the external and internal conditions of a person. Instilling humility, sincerity, meritorious qualities and finally the recognition of our creator, Allah and consequently attaining His love are all the aims of this department.

Khânqah Akhtari

People from far and wide come to spend the entire month of Ramadân or shorter or longer periods in the Khânqah and they perform I'tikâf in the Dârul Uloom Masjid for this purpose.