Huroof Muqatta'aat
According to Madhhab:
Why do
certain Aaayat in the Quraan have no meaning;like Yaseen, Haa Meem e.t.c
The Quraan Sharif is the word of Allah. These words of the Quraan Sharif (in question) are referred to as the Huruf-e-Muqatta-aat, the meaning of which is unknown to us. Each letter is separate and different from the next one, in other words, these letters have been simply joined to each other, but do not give a specific known meaning in the Arabic language. Why has Allah kept these words unknown, is best known to Him. We are simply required to have conviction and belief in its actual meaning (whatever it may) until revealed to us.
وحكم المجمل والمتشابه اعتقاد حقية المراد به حتي ياتي البيان )اصول الشاشي ص 57 )
ثم المتشابه علٰي نوعين نوع لا يعلم معناه اصلا كالمقطعات مثل الم وحٰم وطه فانها يقطع كل حرف منها عن الاخر في التكلم ولا يعلم معناه لانه لم يوضع في العرب لمعني ما الا لغرض التركيب )اصول الشاشي ص 56 حامش 7 )
Some scholars are of the opinion that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was fully aware of the meanings of these words at the time of revelation of the Quraan, just as he was fully aware of the meaning of the remainder of the Quraan Sharif. The logical explanation behind their reasoning is that he was the initial recipient and addressee of the Quraan Sharif. Hence, he was aware of the meaning of these words.
In conclusion, Allah alone knows best (in His complete wisdom) why He did not disclose the meanings of these words to us.
ANSWERED BY: Mufti Mohammed Desai
CHECKED AND APPROVED BY: Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B
Date: 22 Safar 1441 Darul Ifta Azaadville English Date: 21 October 2019