Facilities at Darul Uloom Azaadville

Dining Hall

The Madrasah has a fully functional dining hall where students are provided with three meals a day.

Tuck Shop

All the basic necessities and refreshments can be purchased at the tuck-shop. The tuck shop is open during the interval at 10.15 am, during the lunch break, after Asr and after 9.30 pm. Facilities are also provided for haircuts.

Book Shop

The student may also purchase stationery, textbooks as well as other Islamic books from the Madrasah bookshop.


There is a fully operational laundry where the students’ needs with regards to their washing are catered for. The laundry is equipped with machines for washing, drying and ironing. The students hand in their washing in the mornings before classes and collect it in the evening after Asr. Washing is handed in once a week.


Public telephones are also provided to the students. The telephones are accessible during the students' free time e.g. during the interval, during the lunch break, after Asr till Maghrib and from 9.30 pm, Fridays and Sundays.

Alhamdulillâh, in this way, all the needs of the student are catered for at the premises and there remains no need for him to leave the perimeters of the Madrasah.


The Madrasah runs a small clinic on its premises. A male nurse attends to students not feeling too well. In serious cases, patients are referred to medical doctors and hospitals for further treatment.

Extra Curricular activities

The students have a weekly lecture and qirâ'ah programme (anjuman) where they are given the opportunity of practicing their oratory and recitation skills. This programme is held every Thursday after the Maghrib Salâh. The Madrasah also provides a gymnasium for the students.

There are expansive fields in and around the institute where the students can participate in all kinds of physical activities.